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Hideout #47 Chair (wip)
The film takes place in an unknown, futuristic, dystopian land, so all of the set pieces have a blend of neomodernism and neobrutalistic appearance. The chair is a vital piece in the set since the younger sister is sat on it during a pivotal moment in the film. It was made to cup her, and "shield" her away from the older sister's irritation. The roundness of the chair allows for her to really slump into it.

Preserved Kitchen Table 
The kitchen table was modeled after 1960's drop leaf formica dining tables. The initial shape of the legs are laser cut, and then are sanded down for a rounded profile. The edge of the table is trimmed with Plastruct to invoke metal lining. Finally, the legs are painted to look like wood grain and everything is painted to look aged.

Preserved background props
Little pieces add onto the story, like posters, torn-out ads, and sticky notes. They help with the theme of clutter and obsessiveness.



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